IMARA - 2013
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

ITS-G5 for road safety and efficiency applications

Participants : Oyunchimeg Shagdar, Younes Bouchaala, Mohammad Abualhoul, Manabu Tsukada, Thierry Ernst.

To support V2V and V2I communications for road safety and efficiency applications, ETSI standardized ITS-G5 technology. One of key objectives of the SCORE@F project is to study the performance of ITS-G5 in real-world scenarios and demonstrate its applicability to road safety and efficiency applications. Under the scope of the SCORE@F project, we studied the performances of ITS-G5 for both the V2V and V2I communications based on field tests and theoretical studies with emphasis on the effects of channel in combination with MAC and some parameters of car traffic [32] . An important insight achieved from the study is that in addition to the distance dependent pathloss, the signal fading and road traffic characteristics provide significant impacts on the reliability of ITS-G5.

We also study the performance of the ITS-G5 medium access control protocol for realistic autonomous driving applications especially to seek answers to the questions of whether the IEEE 802.11p can support merging control and how the communications performance is translated into that of CACC (Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control) [33] . The study discloses several useful insights including packet inter-arrival time and throughput but not packet delivery ratio, gives good indications of the CACC performance; the V2I communications structure is preferred over the V2V structure for CACC.

Finally, we demonstrate the low latency video streaming over ITS-G5 to support platoon and reverse parking maneuvers [21] .